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Dave's Bio


Dave Mainwaring Occasionally a Internet contact will ask: Who are you? Good question:)

Having made thousands of friends and business contacts over the years individuals slip past out of one's memory.

Spent my summers late 1940's through 1960's sailing/racing small boats out of Wollaston and Quincy Yacht clubs.

Graduated North Quincy High School (1955) Quincy, MA.

Served in the Coast Guard attached to Captain Of Port Boston and USCG Cutter Evergreen.

Met my wife at Camp Annisquam, Gloucester MA, while sailing master.

Moved inland to Western Mass.

Graduated University of Mass, Amherst.

Worked in radio broadcasting for a couple of years.

Sold for 3M electrical products umpteen years. Tried out greener pastures for several years.

In 1995 I entered the Printing and Publishing world by launching the Computer To Plate Pressroom. Managing Director and from 1997 through August of 2007

Over the years I often fielded the question: just what is it you do? Only recently I discovered that some friends tell me I am a pioneer in the field of knowledge work and social networking.

I have accomplished my success while working without walls, networking businesses, and individuals. Established hundreds of friends and acquaintances around the world, on every continent. I'm a firm believer in self education, up-skilling and cloud computing. My mission is to do something, discuss something, learn something, and enjoy building model boats and ship models.